What is Cortisol?
Cortisol is commonly known as a "stress hormone", however there is a lot more to it than that. Cortisol is a type of steroid hormone known as a glucocorticoid, which is produced by the adrenal glands. Nearly all of the cells in the body have cortisol receptors, so most organ systems and tissues are affected. The production and release of cortisol is regulated by the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal (HPA) axis (shown below), and it's important to note that it is both stresses AND our natural circadian rhythm (i.e. sleep/wake cycle) that can signal cortisol to be released. Overall, a healthy regulation of this hormone extremely important.

What Does Cortisol do?
Cortisol should levels should naturally fluctuate throughout the day, ideally highest in the morning and lowest in the evening. When it comes to managing stress, cortisol is released to help manage our response to the stress and provide us with the energy and resources to get out of the "danger". This is also known as a fight or flight response. Cortisol is released so that it can: increase blood sugar (to supply quick energy), suppress less crucial systems (such as the immune & digestive systems) to enhance blood flow to the brain and muscles. This also helps to enhance focus & alertness. Under normal circumstances these are important functions to help our body regulate stress properly.
Cortisol also plays an essential role in:
Regulating metabolism
Regulating the sleep/wake cycle
Regulating blood pressure
Memory formation
Why would you want to lower cortisol?
There can be some serious risks associated with chronically high cortisol levels, which can come from either physical or emotional stress. Other than the signs listed below, having higher than normal cortisol levels for prolonged periods of time can increase your risk for depression, accelerate aging, impaired memory, and heart problems, to name a few.
Signs/symptoms of high cortisol may include:
Weight gain (specifically in the abdominal area & face)
Decreased appetite or emotional eating
Problems falling asleep or staying asleep
Muscle weakness
High blood pressure
Weak bones (osteoporosis)
Chronic headaches
Digestive issues
Anxiety, depression, or abnormal irritability
Acne / skin problems
Tips to Naturally Improve Cortisol Levels
Eat More Magnesium Rich Foods
Did you know that magnesium can actually become more depleted with increased stress? Not only can stress deplete this essential mineral, but having low magnesium negatively impacts our response to stress... which can leave you stuck in a constant stress cycle. Magnesium has hundreds of functions, one being that it interacts with multiple stress mediators. For example, it indirectly signals cortisol to stop being released by reducing the release of ACTH (see the diagram above). On the other hand, the kidneys excrete more magnesium in response to an increase in stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. This is why it's so important to make sure you're getting plenty through diet, especially during times of stress!
Major sources include: avocado, nuts (esp. almonds & cashews), seeds (esp. pumpkin & chia seeds), leafy greens like spinach, beans, lentils, soybeans (edamame, soy milk, tofu...), dark chocolate (70%+), bananas
Omega-3 fatty acids (ALA, EPA, and DHA) have been shown in studies to help reduce the body's stress response. These types of fats are also well known for their anti-inflammatory properties, which can indirectly help the regulation os biological stress, as well as contributing to brain health and mood. Dysregulation of certain stress regulating systems, like the HPA-axis, immune-inflammatory response, and the autonomic nervous system have been associated with lower levels of omega-3 fatty acids.
Major sources include: fatty fish (salmon, sardines, anchovies, mackerel, herring), oysters, krill oil, cod liver oil, fish oil, walnuts, chia seeds, flax seeds, and soybeans. You can also take an omega-3 supplement!
Prioritize Sleep
Getting consistent, quality sleep is a non-negotiable for regulating stress. Sleep is the time where our bodies are able to reset by clearing out excess waste products, repair any damages, allow the brain to get rid of information you don't need, produce certain hormones, and regulate the immune system. Ideally you want cortisol to be the lowest when you are going to sleep and melatonin to be highest, allowing these two hormones to follow an inverse pattern. However, that may not be the case for those with chronically elevated cortisol. High cortisol in the evenings will negatively impact your sleep quality, which can make it more difficult for your body to regulate stress and its natural circadian rhythm.

Here are a few tips to help you make sure you're getting quality sleep:
Skip the evening glass of wine! Although it may seem like alcohol is making you sleepier and less stressed, even one drink negatively impacts your sleep.
Establish an evening routine you'll be able to actually stick to... emphasis on one you will ACTUALLY stick to! It doesn't have to be a lengthy routine, but our brains love repetition. Having a consistent routine will naturally help our bodies mentally prepare for sleep.
Cut out screens at least 30 minutes before you want to go to sleep. If this is too difficult, I recommend high quality blue light glasses. Here are a few examples: insert Amazon links

Dehydration can temporarily lead to higher cortisol levels since it is considered a physical stress. Even mild dehydration can be an additional stressor on the body, so prolonged dehydration can have cortisol hanging out longer than it should. Adequate hydration is also essential for removing toxins and waste products effectively, which can reduce stress on cells and tissues, potentially lowering the need for excess cortisol production. Cortisol also plays a role in fluid balance in the body, so if you are dehydrated, it helps to retain sodium (which allows the body to hold onto more water), and increase blood pressure. Ideally, aim for half of your body weight in ounces of water per day!
Add in More Probiotic Rich Foods
Probiotics are the live beneficial bacteria that live in your gut, and the more variety you can get the better! Probiotics help inhibit growth of harmful bacteria, promote the growth of beneficial bacteria, and restore the natural balance of the gut flora. They also enhance the breakdown and absorption of nutrients by helping to digest certain food components that the human body cannot digest on its own. Chronic inflammation in the gut can lead to a compromised intestinal barrier (aka leaky gut), impairing nutrient absorption and increasing stress on the body. Some probiotics can even produce vitamins, like vitamin K and certain B vitamins, directly within the gut.
Major sources include: Kimchi, sauerkraut, yogurt, kefir, pickled veggies, miso, tempeh, fermented teas like kombucha...
Incorporate Adaptogenic Herbs
The term adaptogen refers to something that will help the body better adapt to stress. Certain herbs can be very effective in helping to lower cortisol levels and mitigate our stress response.

Ashwagandha - An Indian herb that comes from a shrub-like plant, also known as Indian ginseng or winter cherry. It's been used for many years for immune system regulation, reducing anxiety, and has been shown in many studies to reduce stress when compared to a placebo.
Holy basil (aka tulsi) - Part of the basil family, and has been effective in protecting tissues against heavy metals, reducing physical stress, help manage blood sugar levels, and help regulate blood pressure. It can also be beneficial for overall brain health.
Rhodiola - An herb that is used to help enhance the natural resistance to stress, more specifically for fatigue and depressive symptoms.
Limit Caffeine Intake

No, you don't have to completely cut out your coffee... but if you're drinking an excessive amount and feeling symptoms of elevated cortisol, you may want to consider cutting back. The average half life of caffeine is about 5-6 hours. Meaning that if you drink 200 mg of caffeine, you will still have about 100 mg still in your body 5-6 hours later. This is why I would advice anyone against having a late afternoon energy drink or coffee if you can avoid it. Whether you feel it or not, having caffeine in your body in the evening will negatively impact your sleep, and can contribute to increased cortisol at night.