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How to Choose a Nutritious Protein Bar

Protein bars can easily fit into a healthy diet, but all bars are definitely not made equal. They can be an excellent convenient and nutritious snack if you choose the right brand! Grocery stores and gas stations have an overwhelming amount of bars to choose from now, so how do you know which one is best? How do you know what to look for exactly? Well... here's a solid checklist to go through when picking one out.

It's important to note that while protein bars can be a great supplement to a healthy diet, that's where they should stay... as a SUPPLEMENT and not a replacement for a meal!

What to Look For:

  • Minimal, whole-food ingredients

  • High quality protein sources

  • Minimal added sugars

  • Fiber

  • Healthy fats

Minimal, Whole Food Ingredients

When it comes to protein bars, the fewer ingredients the better. If you see a protein bar with an exhaustingly long list of ingredients, it's very likely highly processed. Usually more ingredients means more processing, especially in packaged foods like protein bars. It's also important to pay attention to the order in which the ingredients are listed. The very first ingredient means that is the most concentrated ingredient in that food item.

High Quality Protein Sources

Protein is an essential macronutrient to help us build and maintain lean muscle, give us energy, and keep you fuller for longer. However, without adequate amounts of protein, a protein bar is more of just a "carb bar" . There is nothing wrong with having more carbs than protein in a bar, however it completely depends on what you are wanting to use the bar for. Try to aim for 10+ grams of protein per serving.

Minimal Added Sugar

A little bit of natural sweeteners in a protein bar is perfectly fine... but some bars have as much sugar as a Snickers bar (20 grams)! Avoiding excess sugar will prevent spikes in blood sugar, which will leave us feeling tired, getting a "crashing" feeling, and can increase sugar cravings later on.A good rule of thumb is to have higher protein than sugar, and to look for natural sources such as honey, coconut sugar, monk fruit sugar, dates, or maple syrup. Try to avoid ingredients like (high fructose) corn syrup, sucralose, or sorbitol.

You have to be careful though... low sugar isn't always better. Artificial sweeteners and sugar alcohols can cause abdominal discomfort, like bloating and gas, and may lead to increased sweet cravings for some people. The bitter after taste isn't so great either.


Fiber is beneficial in so many ways, the major reasons being that it will help improve digestion and it will help to keep you full. Since fiber is an indigestible complex carb, it helps to balance your blood sugar rather than raise it like other types of carbs. Aim for at least 4 grams of fiber per serving.

Healthy Fats

Healthy fats from nuts, seeds, coconut oil, etc. are an important component of any nutritious protein bar. Without fats, we cannot absorb essential fat-soluble vitamins efficiently.


Here are some of my favorite options for clean ingredient, nutritious protein bars!



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