There is a lot... and I mean a LOT of nutrition B.S. out there in the world. Most of the nutrition information that gets passed around today is by people who don't care enough to truly look into the science behind certain foods/diets, who believe anything they hear, or who have been yo-yo dieting for the past 10 years of their life and have tried all the fad diets and cleanses.
Myth #1: You Have to Cut Out Carbs to Lose Weight
Carbohydrates are a vital energy source, especially if you're active! Not to mention glucose is our brain's favorite form of energy. Cutting out carbs entirely can lead to nutrient deficiencies and low energy levels throughout the day. When it comes to carbs, it greatly depends on the QUALITY and TIMING. For example, right before and after physical activity is a great time for simple carbs like breads, honey, fruits, etc. because they can provide quick energy before a workout, and help replenish glycogen stores afterwards. Overall, it's best to gravitate towards whole, unprocessed carbs with fiber like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes for sustained energy and nutrient density.

Myth #2: "Organic" Foods are Always Healthier
While "natural" and "organic" labels can indicate certain production practices, they don't guarantee superior nutritional quality. If you see a "USDA Organic" label, this indicates that the product contains at least 95% organic material, meaning that there still may be 5% inorganic material within the product.

According to the EWG, here are the top fruits and vegetables most contaminated with pesticides in 2023 (aka "the dirty dozen"):
Kale/collard/mustard greens
Bell & hot peppers
Green beans
Overall it's most important to focus on the overall nutrient content and ingredient list of a product rather than relying solely on marketing claims. When it comes to more processed foods, READ THE INGREDIENTS, and when it comes to product, buy produce in season when you can, wash it well, and try to choose a variety. A balanced diet includes a variety of foods, both conventional and organic!
Myth #3: Detoxes and Cleanses Flush out Toxins
Why don't you need a juice cleanse??? Because your body has built-in systems to detoxify naturally, such as your liver, kidneys, colon, lymph nodes, lungs, and skin! Detox diets and cleanses are very often restrictive, lack a whole lot of scientific support, and may do more harm than good. There are a lot of cleanses out there that have very little nutrients, and may promote disordered eating behaviors in a lot of people. They may seem like an easy "quick fix" but I promise they are not worth it, and any type of benefit from it will not last. Instead, focus on nourishing your body with whole foods, plenty of water and hydration, and fiber to support its natural detoxification processes. Adequate exercise and sleep also play a large role!
