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Roasted Curry Spiced Carrots

These roasted carrots are the perfect mix of the taste of curry with a little kick, but not too much that it's overwhelming. I got these carrots from the farmers market on Saturday and I swear vegetables taste so much fresher when you get them from there. Plus they're usually like 10x cheaper which is nice. I very very highly recommend dipping these guys in tahini or some Kite Hill almond milk cream cheese (or both) – it's a game changer. Or even some hummus would be amazing with these.

You really don't need to measure the spices out that much, most of it is all to taste. If you like yours spicer, add more cayenne, and vice versa.


- one bunch whole carrots

- 2 tsp avocado oil

- sprinkle of sea salt

- 1/8 tsp garlic powder

- 1/8 tsp cinnamon (or less)

- sprinkle of cayenne


1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F on bake

2. Lay cooking sheet with parchment paper or tinfoil, then spray or coat with oil

3. Wash and dry carrots, cut ends off then lay on pan and toss in the avocado oil

4. Sprinkle with spices turning them all the way around to coat evenly, then bake for 30-40 minutes


5. Broil for 2-3 minutes for some extra crispiness

Dip in tahini, hummus, or yogurt dip for deliciousness.

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